You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives. - Clay P. Bedford

Friday, August 24, 2012

Gearing Up for the 2012-13 School Year

School starts for us on Monday, officially. We're very excited, all ready to go, and doing a little work in the online school now to get back into the groove of learning. My Reezle girl is a bit grumpy today, so we will probably work with her either later on or tomorrow. Little G did some spelling. His words were:

lock, dish, back, than, chin, shop, that, this, whip, wish, with, which, dock, chop, cash, ship, mash, mock, math, bath, from, does

His challenge words were:

thermal, within, relish

Since he is exceptionally good at spelling and was helping Reezle master the trickier words last year (which are his words this year, being that he's taking 2nd grade math and language arts), I'm just going ahead and asking him to spell them before we do anything with the lessons to find out what he knows. He spelled all of them correctly except thermal (he substituted an "o" for the "a"), so we wrapped up the unit and went right on to the Unit Checkpoint. He scored 100% with ease. I asked him after the Checkpoint if he could spell thermal again for me, and this time he got it correct.

The little guy also completed word set 1 of 3 in his first unit of vocabulary. He did great with the concept of prefixes; it required virtually no explanation on my part at all. I think he likes the idea of root words, prefixes, and suffixes because it is, in a sense, somewhat like addition and subtraction.

The language arts portion of the curriculum is different this year, and so far I think I like it more. The kids both like it more because it includes more workbooks, and they love their workbooks. We do have fewer books for reading this year, and we were all a bit disappointed about that. However, we have plenty of our own books and my Kindle, so we'll more than make up for that with leisure reading. The material is excellent, and will be less overwhelming for kids who are not avid readers.

And, of course, a school day for Little G would not be complete without some math. He completed the first four lessons, putting him about 1/4 of the way through Unit 1. I strongly suspect he will be moving into 3rd grade math with his sister before very long. While I had some reservations about my 6 year-old possibly getting a bit ahead of himself, I now feel this would probably benefit both of my children. Little G is a very adept and patient tutor, and he masters new concepts quickly; the kiddos will probably do very well learning the same material together.

We are so ready for this school year! The weather is still gorgeous, so we're looking forward to some enjoyable study days outdoors this beautiful season. Hooray for fall!

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