You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives. - Clay P. Bedford

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Speaking Out Against Bullying

There was yet another school shooting this week, leaving two 12 year-old children wounded and one teacher and the 13 year-old shooter dead.  My first thought was, how badly was this child bullied that, at 13, he resorted to murder-suicide?  Many others choose to think of him at yet another troubled child, or the handy go-to of gun control.

When I posted about this latest incident, with my opinion that bullying is an epidemic that needs addressed NOW, I had no fewer than five people say to me that kids "need to learn to deal with bullying".  Why?  Why is it acceptable that children have to learn to endure peer-perpetrated abuse like it's some rite of passage in life?  As my husband so aptly said, "Why should we have to play the bullies' game?"  Why do the abusers of society get to set the rules, and why don't more people stand up against this scourge on humanity?  People do not need to do this, or endure this.  It continues because too many people accept it; few are those who are willing to be the proverbial squeaky wheel.

I thought deeply on this after we were offered the opportunity to share my daughter's bullying story with our local news.  Did I want to throw our family into the spotlight?  No.  However, I have always felt a responsibility to share with others what I could when going through difficulties.  I have always believed in being a beacon of hope whenever possible.  My daughter felt the same calling, so we agreed to the interview.

You can say that bullying exists throughout life, and because of that, kids need to learn early on how to deal with it.  My question is always WHY.  Why is it acceptable for the bullies to commit peer-perpetrated abuse against their classmates, co-workers, etc., but people who stand up against it are wrong for interfering with the natural order of things?  Something is seriously wrong with our society.

Today, my very brave little girl stood up for herself and for others who have been the victims of bullying.  Her courage to discuss her own pain said that it is not okay for this to continue, and that those who are being victimized have allies.  I am incredibly proud of her for doing this.  She is my hero.

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