You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives. - Clay P. Bedford

Saturday, January 14, 2012

100th Day of Homeschool

As of today, Reezle has 567 hours and 20 minutes of attendance hours logged, and 100 days of school. Little G, officially a Kindergarten student, but taking three first grade courses, has 378 hours and 45 minutes of attendance hours logged, and 100 days of school. This means we're more than half way through the school year...and we still love it, and it's still going great! Whew.

In preschool and public school, there was always a special celebration for the 100th day of school. I didn't realize it had come up so quickly, or I would have planned something. It might be a bit tricky, since ice cream sundaes are out due to the blood sugar issue, but I'm sure we can find a way to celebrate all of their hard work. They both deserve a celebration, both of them have been the best students.

Little G had a special milestone of his very own today: he completed first grade phonics! He's little more than half way through his Kindergarten year and he is all done with first grade phonics. I am so proud of him! His spelling, as well as his mastery of grammar concepts and language in general is impressive. He was an early reader, but I didn't expect him to be tutoring his older sister with spelling homework when he was in preschool (he did, for real). His progression seems steady, rather than just an early starter who settles into average. I don't expect him to keep this pace (then again, maybe he can tutor me when I take that logic and philosophy college course I need...ha!), but he has my full support to move at his own pace.

Oh, uh...and he's teaching himself cursive.

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