You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives. - Clay P. Bedford

Thursday, May 31, 2012


I'm a bit of a hyper-organized person. This might sound awesome, but sometimes it really isn't. Instead of streamlining my life, it tends to get in the way of things. Take, for example, the fact that I love to write. I love to write about homeschooling, hooping, healthy living, gardening, attachment parenting, meditation, natural medicine, books, and all sorts of things. Problem is, the part of my brain obsessed with categorizing things to the point of insanity would lead me to believe that all of my interests need to be blogged about separately.

After a great deal of thought on this, I've come to realize that all of these things are about us, our life, our interests, and our activities. There is more to life than just homeschooling (though we love it and it is a big part of our lives), more than just exercise or hooping, healthy eating or natural remedies. Life is a whole, comprised of many parts. With that in mind, it seems much more reasonable to have a blog which reflects more parts of the whole. So, there will be some changes to my little blog. I'm kind of excited about this, especially with summer fast approaching basically here.

Speaking of whole, I've decided it is time to clear the garbage out of out cupboards and get back to the whole foods lifestyle I've recently (admittedly, somewhat shamefully, definitely regretfully) parted with in favor of quicker, sweeter, saltier, "convenience" foods. What's not so convenient is feeling like garbage all the time, which I do. My goal is to adopt a completely plant-based diet for myself and my children. My family has a long history of autoimmune diseases. I believe that how we eat is the defining factor in whether those switches get flipped. Since my children are already showing signs of autoimmune disease (my son developed psoriasis at age 4, and my daughter experiences weather-related joint pain), I believe this is not something that can wait.

I will have much more to say on these and many other topics as my blog develops into more of a whole picture of our interests and goals. I'm no expert on the whole foods, plant-based diet - but I'd like to be. Hopefully blogging through my journey will keep me on track, and maybe even help others who are also considering making similar healthy changes.

Thanks for reading along!

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