You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives. - Clay P. Bedford

Sunday, September 2, 2012


One of the questions I often get from people about homeschooling is, surprisingly, about gym class (i.e. physical education). People are curious if we are required to do it at all, and if we are, how we go about it. While there are a lot of ways to fulfill this part of our curriculum, one of our year-round favorites is hoopdance! I started about 2 years ago.

It didn't take long for both of my children to become interested as well. My husband and I started making hoops, and the kids each have their own custom-sized hoops. They are really quick at picking up new skills, and they have so much fun!

And it's super adorable. And great exercise. And it builds strength, promotes flexibility, and helps them with balance and coordination. And...well, I could praise hooping all day long. Mostly, it's just something we really love to do.

The best part about doing PE this way? We can hoop at home in the living room, out in the yard, at the beach, on road trips when we stop for a break, at the park, and so many more places that we probably couldn't come up with a comprehensive list if we tried. We're not confined to any particular space, and we love that!

The kiddos also have fun decorating their own hoops. Heck, even I enjoy making pretty hoops. My only problem? I want to keep them all! Heh.

PS: It's September already? Whew. What happened to August!?

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