You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives. - Clay P. Bedford

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Materials, Supplementing, and Skully

While I certainly cannot complain about the materials provided by K12 for our curriculum... is kinda fun to substitute our own. Like fruity, rainbow-colored Cheerios for Math, or our large collection of Trio building blocks in place of the base-10 counting blocks.

Homeschool and the K12 curriculum are giving my children something that I didn't really experience much of until college - an overlap between even the most unlikely subject material. Take Language Arts and PE, for example.

Sure, it's really about following directions (I think), but Little G's assignment had both of my little students standing sideways, hopping on one foot, acting like sleeping pelicans, and generally being wild and crazy little monkeys for a good half hour. We even played Simon Says, though I can't recall if it was this day or another.

Take note of the "skully" shirt. You'll be seeing a lot of it. Though we've owned it for approximately two weeks, it's been washed about five times already. Every load of laundry I bring through the house is invariably followed with, "Mama? Did you wash my skully?" Today I replied, "No, little dude. You're wearing it."

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