You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives. - Clay P. Bedford

Friday, February 3, 2012

Round 2 of K Assessments

My math-loving little buddy had his assessment today, and is doing great. I will get the actual reports soon and post them when I do. The highlight of his assessment was that he has the green light to go into 2nd grade math if he achieves (I think it was) 95% course completion by the end of March. Since it is the beginning of February, he started 5 weeks late, he finished the workbook, and he can complete a full unit in two days time if I let him move at his own pace, I feel like I can pretty much say that's the plan. He is absolutely beside himself with excitement! I've never known a child to love math like he does.

Have I mentioned he does not get this from me? Heh. I love numbers and have an exceptional memory for them, but I've never been so awesome at manipulating the numbers. So I find my son's ability fascinating and really cool. And I believe it will serve him very well in life.

He is a great reader, too. Kindergarten assessments don't include fluency (words per minute), but there is a site where you can calculate a child's fluency on your own. For Reezle, it was spot-on, and Little G really wants to try it. I'm sure he will rock it.

In other news, I think I might actually, finally get to talk to someone from the special services department at K12. I was kind of disgusted after my experiences locally and decided to focus on other things. It's time now, though.

And I'll say it again: I love homeschooling my children!

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