You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives. - Clay P. Bedford

Thursday, February 9, 2012

So Blessed

I am so blessed. So incredibly, wildly, awe-inspiringly blessed. And I have to put my thoughts down.

My daughter is quite possibly the most compassionate soul on the planet, with the possible exception of the Dalai Lama. Her love, patience, and understanding surpass her years immeasurably; and when I say she inspires me to be a better person, I absolutely mean it with every fiber of my being. Her smile is like sunshine, and she brightens my world.

Sure, she has her moments. I was going to say "bad days", but I've actually never known her to have a bad day. Only moments. I hope I don't end up paying tenfold for this when she is a teenager, but for now she is just the sweetest.

I am blessed. I am so thankful. My children bring such joy to my life, and I just wanted to say so. Because right now they are tucked into bed for the night, fast asleep, and I can't say it to them until morning.

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