You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives. - Clay P. Bedford

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Cursive Handwriting

It seems a lot of schools are doing away with cursive handwriting. I don't understand why that is. Okay, I do; they think that it's a dinosaur now that we use computers and type everything from our research papers to our social interactions. But there are benefits to learning cursive handwriting, and I believe it's still a good skill to have.

Miss Reezle has some beautiful handwriting, doesn't she? Little G has been practicing a little with some worksheets I've found for him online, and will be learning more this year as a 1st/2nd grader. I remember being in my early elementary years, seeing the cursive letters and feeling like it was some special thing that only the older, cooler kids got to do. Being able to write cursive was like being in an exclusive club or something. Heh. I think my kids feel the same way, and it's fun how being a mom brings back all of those memories from my own childhood.

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