You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives. - Clay P. Bedford

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Summer Days

My latest little obsession is Instagram. Typically, other than Facebook, I'm not much of a fan of social networks or having my information or photos splattered across the interwebs. But Instagram is just too fun to ignore.

Couple that and an adorable little moment where my son is reading a bird book like it's his job, and mommy can't resist the photo op. Doesn't he look comfy, all snuggled up on the couch among big pillows with a cozy blanket over him? It's miserably hot here in the Midwest, but we're staying cool inside and enjoying some lazy afternoons with some old school Star Trek reruns and piles of good books. Outside, the birds have been largely absent from the feeders and our grass is turning a parched shade of pale yellow. The garden, however, is producing some tasty organic treats in spite of the heat.

That picture is of one of the most perfect zucchinis I have ever seen. Delicious. If last year is any indication, we should have enough for ourselves and half the neighborhood. And, if we could get some rain, there's a variety of other delicious vegetables out there, too.

On an unrelated note, our new school materials will be shipping soon! We're very excited about this. I still have to hammer out some details about the upcoming school year and the foreign language Reezle is hoping to take, but this is so much better than the typical back-to-school circus each year. We don't miss it. At all.

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