You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives. - Clay P. Bedford

Friday, August 19, 2011

Cool Things

This morning, I logged into the OLS (online school) to browse announcements and check my e-mail. In my inbox was an introduction and bio from the teachers who we will be working with as Little G navigates his Kindergarten year on our homeschool adventure. And I could not believe what I read; one of the teachers also has a degree in communicative disorders!

Since Little G has a diagnosis of expressive/receptive speech disorder, the only concern I had about homeschool (or any school, really) was the possibility of encountering issues where is receptive communication challenges would become an issue. Let's just say I feel a whole lot less concerned now! I was so excited that I immediately e-mailed her to introduce myself and tell her about my son. Any trepidation I felt about plunging into this unknown continues to ease, as these little affirmations seem to be popping up at every turn.

Truly, my only frustration at this point is that I still have not received any science, art, or music curriculum for Little G, and he actually became very upset and started to cry about this when he realized it this afternoon. His favorite things, in order, are math, music, science, and art. And since he will blow through the phonics and language arts at warp speed with little challenge, if any, the lack of science doesn't leave a whole lot to his core courses. Hopefully I can get this rectified tomorrow.

Meanwhile, G did enjoy going through what he already has, which are below:

Pictured are mostly Little G's materials, but a few items of R's. In the upper photo, G poses with his phonics materials, inflatable globe, map, and some reading materials. Below we have math manipulatives, beans, grass seeds, a pile of workbooks on top of a pile of reading books, a slide whistle, a (hot pink!) tambourine, and 3-D shapes. I can't seem to stop playing with the tambourine, heh. I think we are all going to enjoy the music, even if Little G doesn't get his materials. It's not like we're going to leave him out of the fun!

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