You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives. - Clay P. Bedford

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Learning About Gardening

My children love to learn, but learning goes way beyond the classroom. One thing we enjoyed learning about this year was how seeds transform into a garden that we can enjoy for the whole summer!

We have enjoyed tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, our combined weight in zucchini (seriously, I don't think I have seen as much zucchini in my life to date as came from our garden this year), onions, hot peppers, orange bell peppers, green bell peppers, and probably a few things I am forgetting. It was wonderful!

The marigolds planted around the garden are pretty, but their purpose is to discourage greedy garden visitors who like to take more than a fair share. I can't decide whether it helped or not.

Next year, we plan to have the children much more involved in the process of cultivating our yummy organic foods. This year, they mostly enjoyed the end result on the dinner table. It's a lot of fun eating food grown in our very own garden!

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